Celebralc Palsy

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Celebralc Palsy by Mind Map: Celebralc Palsy

1. CP

2. Cerebral means having to do with the brain.

3. Palsy means a weaknees or problem.

4. Types of CP

4.1. spasic

4.1.1. most common; can't relax muscles.

4.2. athetoid

4.2.1. ability to control the muscles of the body.

4.3. ataxic

4.3.1. has problems with balance and coordination.

5. CP is condition that can affect the things that kids do every day.

6. CP use wheelchairs and others walk with the help of crutches or braces.

7. Doctors

7.1. neurologist

7.1.1. orthopedist who handles problems with bones or joints.

7.1.2. developmental pediatrician who looks at how a kid is growing or developing compared with other kids the same age

7.1.3. pediatric physiatrist who helps treat children with disabilities of many kinds.

7.2. A doctor who deals with problems of the nervous system and brain in kids.