1. The neo-conservatives constant beating of the war drums is nothing short of Orwellian. We are told the only way we can remain safe here in the United States is to constantly kill, main, and strafe the "Nogoodniks" and "Islamameenies" around the world.
1.1. Putin
1.2. Iran
1.3. "The terrorists are coming! The terrorists are coming! The neo-cons play Paul Revere...
2. Step 5: I Say
3. Steps 1,2,3, & 4: Introduction
3.1. Timeline/Recap /Conventional WisdomHook
3.1.1. In a recent debate, neo-conservative candidate for president Ted Cruz said he wanted to carpet bomb ISIS in Iraq to "see if the sand glows in the dark." That wasn't enough for candidate Marco Rubio, who can hardly wait to get his hands on the Pentagon's toys. (He's smeared Cruz as an "isolationist.") Not only does the little senator from Florida want to bomb Iraq, he wants to bomb Libya, Afghanistan, Iran, and North Korea. John Kasich isn't much better. The governor said in a recent debate, "It's about time we punched the Russians in the nose." Ouch!
3.2. They Say
3.2.1. In his dystopian novel 1984 George Orwell warned us that the ability and power of centralized governments to scare and brainwash and lie citizens into fighting their wars could prove irresistible. double think The people are told "War is Peace."
3.3. Rhetorical Question
3.3.1. World War III anyone? Why are the trigger fingers so itchy on the GOP presidential trail?
4. Step 6: Body
4.1. Historical Background
4.2. Neo-conservatives in the Bush administration scared and lied us into war with Iraq.
4.2.1. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield, and Rice told the American people in planted news stories, speeches, and congressional testimony that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. Vice President Cheney stated on NBC's Meet the Press on the morning of September 8, 2002 that Hussein "now is trying through his illicit procurement network to acquire the equipment he needs to be able to enrich uranium." Bush's national security advisor stated on CNN that night "We do know that he is actively pursuing a nuclear weapon." Bush stated "We found the weapons of mass destruction."
4.2.2. The neo-cons first tried to link 9/ll to Saddam Hussein. According to the Bush administration, the Iraqi met with members of Al Qaeda in Turkey to plan the attack on 9/11. They said Atta, the mastermind of the attack met with Iraqi intelligence officers on XXX.
4.2.3. Bth the 9/ll and WMD stories were lies. After the FBI leaked information that no meeting ever took place between Saddam and Al Qaeda operatives, the Bush administration dropped the 9/11 link down the memory hole. David Kay, the admin's top weapons inspector in Iraq told Bush they could not find any wmds.
4.3. Presently the neo-cons are attempting to lie and scare us into war in Syria.
4.4. They lie about the results of these imperial wars.
4.5. The neo-cons could care less about spreading democracy and peace around the world, which they claim is their purported goal. Their real aim is to fatten their pocket books and increase their power.
5. Step 9: Conclusion
5.1. The pages from the neo-con "cry wolf" war playbook could come straight out of Orwell's 1984.
5.2. Expect the GOP establishment's hand picked presidential candidates to continue to call for war in the Middle East, Europe, and now the Pacific because war lines the pocket books and increases the power of the neo-conservatives in Washington's policy shaping think tanks.
5.3. Hate him as much as you like, Donald Trump is the only candidate in either party who recognizes the war racket and wants to bring the troops home before our country is bankrupted. When given the choice between four years of Trump or forty more years of Benghazi, etc... the
5.3.1. "The Donald" echoes the words of Eisenhower and Orwell even though his words are crude. "We'd be better off if the politicians took a day off and went to the beach." "They lied us into war."