Adolescent ADHD

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Adolescent ADHD by Mind Map: Adolescent ADHD

1. Over-lapping Disorders

1.1. Anxiety

1.2. Depression

1.3. OCD

1.4. Bipolar Disorder

1.5. Autism

2. Sensitivities

2.1. Change/ Adaptation

2.2. Information Overload

2.3. Smell

2.4. Loud Noise/Commotion

2.5. Touch

2.6. Overstimulization

2.7. Emotions

3. At Risk For

3.1. Car Accidents

3.2. Using Alcohol/Drugs

4. Social

4.1. Trouble Being Accepted

4.2. Few Friends

4.3. Peer Rejection

4.4. Lacks Social Competence

5. Potential Causes

5.1. Maternal Environmental Toxins

5.1.1. Lead

5.1.2. Pesticides

5.2. Environmental Toxins

5.2.1. Food Dyes

5.2.2. Lead

5.2.3. Pesticides

5.3. Maternal Drug/Alcohol Use

5.4. Premature Birth

5.5. Genetics

6. Cognitive

6.1. Impaired Memory

6.1.1. Easily Forgets

6.1.2. Trouble Remembering Routine

6.2. Concentration

6.2.1. Easily Distracted

6.2.2. Avoids Focusing Tasks

6.2.3. Difficulty Holding Concentration

6.3. Impaired Attention Process

6.3.1. Delays or Fails to Complete Tasks

6.3.2. Lacks Listening Skills

6.3.3. Difficulty following Directions

6.3.4. Makes Mistakes Easily

6.3.5. Enjoys Short and Easy Tasks

6.4. Unbalanced Time Management

7. Treatments

7.1. Therapy

7.1.1. Cognitive/Behavioral Therapy

7.1.2. Counseling

7.1.3. Self Behavioral Modifications

7.2. Medications

7.2.1. Stimulants Ritalin Adderal Concerta

7.2.2. Non-Stimulants Strattera Intuniv Kapvay

7.2.3. Holistic Treatment Herbal Tea Ginkgo biloba

8. Interpersonal

8.1. Emotions

8.1.1. Lacks Empathy or Hyper Empathetic

8.1.2. Low Self-Esteem

8.1.3. Feels Like an Outcast

9. Behavioral

9.1. Organization

9.1.1. Frequently Losses Items

9.1.2. Trouble Organizing Thoughts Check Lists

9.1.3. Trouble Organizing Duties and Responsibilities

9.2. Risk Taking

9.3. Impulsive

9.4. Less Likely to be Cooperative

9.5. Disruptive

9.6. Hyperactivity

9.6.1. High Energy

9.6.2. Seems Restless Paces Fidgety Trouble Sitting Still Long

9.6.3. Runs and Climbs Inappropriately

9.6.4. Bouncy/ On the Move