Race in Latin America

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Race in Latin America by Mind Map: Race in Latin America

1. Argentina

1.1. Intellectuals

1.1.1. Bunge: Intellectual who believed the problem is ethnic composition. Blacks superior than Indians.

1.1.2. Sarmiento: Believed race was what caused a multitude of problems in Latin America.

1.1.3. Ingenieros: He believed in race in correlation with the environment.

1.2. Theories of Intellectuals

1.2.1. Sarmiento, Bunge, and Ingenieros theories were based on European scientific racism but this did not play a role in the creation of the country.

1.2.2. Contributed to the exclusion of Indians and issue of race.

1.3. 1880's

1.3.1. Indians were considered the most challenging in Argentina.

1.3.2. Blacks and Indians became minorities and immigration was implemented as a social issue.

1.4. Factors of immigration

1.4.1. Conditions The socioeconomic conditions worsen. There was a demand in Argentinian cereal and meats.

1.5. Whitening process

1.5.1. Cheap labor over education New groups had to be resisted if cheap labor was implemented.

1.6. Argentinian intellectuals and immigration

1.6.1. Ricardo Rojas & Jose Maria Ramos Mejia To create nationalism and culture in Argentina by implementing public education, Spanish language and heritage

1.7. Residence Law of 1902 and the Social Defense Law of 1910

1.7.1. Restricted the immigration "undesirable elements" and agitators.

2. Cuba

2.1. Cuban intellectuals

2.1.1. Fernando Ortiz was an anti-racist and saw race as unscientific. He wanted to eliminate African culture.

2.1.2. Figueras Believed Cubans were not ready for independence. He believed in natural selection.

2.1.3. Jose Marti Leader of independence movement. He was an anti-racist.

2.2. Cuban racial policies

2.2.1. Constitution of 1901=equality

2.2.2. Public education system was not segregated

2.2.3. A great amount of colleges were private and did not accept nonwhites.

2.2.4. Racial discrimination in the army

2.3. Law of Immigration and Colonization of 1906

2.3.1. Prohibited Chinese immigration and those who were non white.

2.4. Partido Independiente de Color

2.4.1. Evaristo Estenoz was the creator

2.4.2. Membership rapidly increased

2.4.3. Electoral Law was passed= prohibits parties to one race.

2.5. The little war of 1912

2.5.1. Races could not mix. Afro-Cubans were divided

2.5.2. White immigration was on the rise while blacks were prohibited from immigration.

2.6. Difference between Argentina and Cuba

2.6.1. Argentina Success New culture in Argentina Nationalism was able to be built

2.6.2. Cuba Cuba did not have success Neglected to nationalize colonial Spaniards' properties. Biracial society.

3. Brazil

3.1. The country with the most African slaves.

3.1.1. 1870 Brazil had a good amount of free Afro-Brazilians in the country of Brazil.

3.2. 1888

3.2.1. Total abolition achieved in Brazil

3.2.2. Many intellectuals started talking about racist ideas.

3.3. Race and miscegenation

3.3.1. 1. No one believed in biological inferiority

3.3.2. 2. The illiterate slaves was something abolitionists did not worry about.

3.3.3. 3.Abolitionists believe that "whitening" will "upgrade" Brazilian population.

3.4. Andrade Bezerra & Cinncinato Braga

3.4.1. Introduced bill which prohibited people of the black race in Brazil.

3.5. Fidelis Reis

3.5.1. introduced color bar This prohibited the entry of the black race and a limit amount of entry into Brazil of the "yellow" race.

3.6. Nazism

3.6.1. Intellectuals stated that racist ideas was dangerous for Brazil

3.7. Whitening thesis

3.7.1. Portuguese liked the idea of whitening the black race.