Race manifest in Latin America (1804-1920)

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Race manifest in Latin America (1804-1920) by Mind Map: Race manifest in Latin America (1804-1920)

1. Haiti

1.1. Frederick Douglas

1.1.1. He is a minister and consul Genral to Haiti

1.1.2. He helped to plan the exhibits of the pavilion ("a city set upon a hill")

1.1.3. Helped free black slaves

1.1.4. Abolotionist

1.2. Revolution

1.2.1. "...in one way or another on the entire emancipation debate from the British parliamentary move in 1792 to out law the African slavestrade..."

1.2.2. final abolition of slavery

1.2.3. the Haitian revolution lead to economic ruin

1.2.4. indiscrimante mascre of white poplulation.

1.2.5. The French revolution was defended by the blacks

1.3. Slaves

1.3.1. defeated their masters

2. Mexico

2.1. Indians

2.1.1. Indians were seen to be darker

2.1.2. Indian communities

2.1.3. Indian if it considers itself Indian.

2.1.4. lacked "tribal"

2.1.5. Indians were neither spanish nor mestizos

2.2. Revolution

2.2.1. began in 1910

2.2.2. Was fought on the Indian participation

2.2.3. colonial order its replacement by a society stratified by class.

2.2.4. englightned form

2.2.5. sympathetic form

2.2.6. The revolution gave a good stimulus to the ideological shift

2.2.7. Pancho Villa helped the campesinos

2.2.8. Jose Vasconcelos was a writer, philosopher and politician