Nelson - Factors Influencing Young Children's use of motives and outcomes as moral criteria

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Nelson - Factors Influencing Young Children's use of motives and outcomes as moral criteria by Mind Map: Nelson - Factors Influencing Young Children's use of motives and outcomes as moral criteria

1. Study 2

1.1. Aim

1.2. Materials and procedure

1.3. Participants

1.4. Results

1.4.1. Cues

1.5. Story presentation

2. Overall findings

2.1. Story presentation

2.2. Cues for judgements

2.3. Congruence of motive and outcome

2.4. To make a moral judgement

3. Evaluation

3.1. Usefulness

3.2. Ecological validity and mundane realism

3.2.1. However

3.3. Reliability

3.4. Reliability

3.5. Validity

3.6. Generalisations

3.7. Quantitative data

3.8. Quantitative data

4. Background

4.1. Piaget

4.2. Problems with previous research

4.3. Lyons and Ruth

4.4. Keasey

5. Aims

6. Research method

6.1. Interviews

7. Study 1

7.1. Participants

7.2. IVs

7.3. DVs

7.4. Story presentation

7.5. Versions of story

7.6. Story

7.7. Pictures

7.8. Response scale

7.9. Procedure

7.10. Results

7.10.1. Judgements overall Which shows

7.10.2. means

7.10.3. Interaction between motive and outcome and story presentation

7.10.4. Recall

7.11. Discussion

7.11.1. Cues