Reaction to Taste

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Reaction to Taste by Mind Map: Reaction to Taste

1. Effects

1.1. Olfactory Epithelium

1.1.1. Olfactory sensory neuron Columnar Supporting Cells Olfactory bulb

1.1.2. has inside

2. Reception

2.1. How do we taste

2.1.1. We "taste things before they even enter our mouths. People's perceptions of food affects how a food actually tastes when it enters the mouth. Simple things such as how a food looks, its temperature, texture, and how it smells. For example someone who loves cereal might hate it when it gets soggy, or if there's warm milk with it instead of cold milk.

2.2. Taste buds and Gustatory receptors

2.2.1. Taste is "really" recieved through gustatory receptors on the tongue.

2.2.2. Taste buds (lingual papillae) are chemoreceptors that

2.3. Misconception

2.3.1. Although many people believe that different parts of the tongue are dedicated to tasting different tastes, this has been proven to be wrong. Some areas may be slightly more concentrated to one taste but the taste buds are mostly spread pretty evenly over the tongue. (below is a picture of how tastes really play out on the tongue) Although the sides are much more sensitive than the middle of the tongue, there are not specific areas for specific tastes as seen in the picture.

3. Modulation

3.1. These sensory cells send signals to the end of nerve fibers