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1. king hamlet: the ghost&the father,who is poisoned by his own brother in his royal garden

1.1. the uncle puts poison into his ear to kill him in the royal garden

1.2. he poisons gertrude and hamlet at the end of the play

1.3. the ghost claims to have been murdered and wants hamlet to take his revenge

1.4. he is the ghost in the play who is first seen by the guards and tells hamlet about the regicide

2. the author

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2.2. william shakespare

2.2.1. born in stratford upon avon on 26 april 1564 english playwright and poet he died April 23rd 1616

2.2.2. english playwright and poet his sonnets "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate..." Lines from Shakespeare's Sonnet 18.[127] his plays hamlet

3. polonius

3.1. the father of Leartes and Ophalia,pompous and two faced

3.2. seeks for his own interest and betrays the people he should be loyal to

3.3. he says “I assure my good liege, I hold my duty as I hold my soul, both to God and to my gracious king…”

3.4. killed by hamlet in the royal chamber of his mother,Gertrude.

4. he is the one who stays alive in order to tell hamlet's story to people

5. hamlet's mother, who has a love affair with the uncle

5.1. gertrude

5.1.1. dies at the end of the play as she drinks hamlet's wine which is poisoned by the new king

5.1.2. a character who doesnt know what to do

5.1.3. loves her son much

5.1.4. does know nothing as to the regicide.this is why the ghost wants hamlet not to hurt her

5.1.5. looks like she is in love with the uncle

6. prince hamlet, the prince of Denmark whose father is murdered by his own brother

6.1. too young a prince to handle what has happened; acts without planning in detail

6.2. has the inner weaknesses of not being decisive and quick in action.so he is the tragic hero

6.3. the protogonist in the play

7. laertes:ophelia's brother

7.1. he invites hamlet to a sword fight where he plans to kill hamlet by stabbnig him with a poisonous sword

7.2. he loves his sister much and her suicide drives him crazy

7.3. he falls his sword down and hamlet stabs him with that sword with poison on it.so he dies.

8. ophelia, the girl who loves hamlet

8.1. commits suicide

8.2. sings songs like crazy

8.3. does not know for sure if hamlet loves her as hamlet tells her that she should not get married and says 'frailty thy name is woman!' to her

8.4. daughter of polonius

9. hamlet's uncle, who kills his own brother to marry the queen and get the crown

9.1. he feels disturbed when he watches the play edited by hamlet to reveal the regicide

9.2. kills his own brother,the king to marry the queen and to get the crown

9.3. the antagonist in the play

10. horatio,hamlet's close friend,always loyal and helpful to hamlet