Input and Output Devices

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Input and Output Devices by Mind Map: Input and Output Devices

1. Keyboards

1.1. Keyboards are needed to spell words and are required as a basic input device.

2. Mouse

2.1. A mouse is essential to inputting commands to the computer. Challenges can include basic fundamentals of usage.

3. Monitor

3.1. Monitors are essential in today's learning environment. They make and idea come to life. Monitors allow the student to view what is being transmitted by the person/program. Challenges can be the size or brightness of the display.

4. Scratchpad

4.1. Scratchpads are similar to a mouse, just designed for a laptop. Challenges can include the learning curve of using them for certain students.

5. Cameras

5.1. Cameras are a staple to input devices as they record the material and moments in time that we come to edit.

6. Joystick

6.1. Many gamers use joysticks to control characters and direct movement into the computer.

7. Microphone

7.1. Microphones record voices and sounds. They are good for refining bad audio with voice-over applications. Challenges pertain to the environment around the microphone being used.

8. Speakers

8.1. Without speakers we would not have the ability to hear our multimedia. Some challenges can be volume level for the various levels of students.

9. Scanner

9.1. Scanners are a great tool for digitizing outdated materials. They can move pictures into what can be described as an online filing cabinet.

10. Webcam

10.1. Webcams are great for video teleconferencing. Challenges can include setup and video quality as a bi-product of internet speed.

11. Printer

11.1. Printers are essential to classrooms. Some materials need to be tangible while instructing and a printer makes that possible. Challenges can include networking printers and user satisfaction.

12. Plotter

12.1. Plotters are an artistic way of creating media. They can cut and print materials that can aide in instruction. Challenges can include difficulty of use.

13. Hardware

13.1. Hardware are all of the computer components that you can physically touch (What is Computer Hardware? - Components, Definition & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript |, 2016). Benefits include the ability to improve processing functions. Challenges include difficulty of workmanship.

14. Software

14.1. Software is a list of commands that tell the computer what to do. Software isn't a physical object that can be touched. Benefits include functionality of the tasks involved while the challenges could fall under the same umbrella. Some software can be finicky and fail to operate after time.