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Brainstorming by Mind Map: Brainstorming

1. Problems

1.1. People cutting in line

1.2. Customers do not know where the line is.

2. Gathered Information

2.1. By observing competitors, such as Burger King, we noticed they have installed formal line with dividers.

2.2. After observing when the restraint was busy, we noticed that the pick up area became very crowded which caused people who had already ordered to crowd the area where people who ha not yet ordered where. This situation causes confusion amongst not only the customers but, also, the employees.

3. Alternatives and Implimentations

3.1. One way to avoid the confusion is to make a clear and specific order pick up area. another alternative would include implementing a table-side delivery system. A downside to table side delivery would be that it might slow down other operations such as food prep.

3.2. A single line system, outlined by bars, may help organize and minimize confusion. With a single line there will be no question as to who is next in line. We will be able to still keep multiple people on the registers to take orders so that the line moves quickly. The downside to this is that, although the line is moving quickly, it might look longer than customers are used to. If the line looks long, customers may leave to go somewhere else.

4. Goals

4.1. Make lines more organized without elongating wait time.

4.2. Goal 2