Cole Weber Genetics

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Cole Weber Genetics by Mind Map: Cole Weber Genetics

1. RNA

1.1. single strands of a nucleotide

2. chromosomes

2.1. 23 pairs of chromosomes

2.1.1. 50 percent from mom

2.1.2. 50 percent from dad

2.2. tightly packed genes

2.3. found in nucleus

2.4. 3 copies of chromosome 21 rsults in down syndrome

3. cells

3.1. house organelles

3.2. foundation of all life

3.3. types

3.3.1. diploids two sets of chromosomes

3.3.2. haploids one set of chromosomes sperm and egg cells

4. Gergor Mendel

4.1. Austrian monk/sceintist

4.2. studied how pea plants inherited 2 variant forms of traits

4.3. discovered a mathematical rule of inheritence

5. meiosis

5.1. cell nucleus

5.2. chromosomes replicate

5.3. matching chromosomes pair up

5.4. chromosomes swap sections of DNA

5.5. chromosome pairs divide and nucleus divides into daughter nuclei

5.6. chromosomes divide and daughter nuclei divide again

6. Crick

6.1. discovered the codon

7. transcription

7.1. Transforms DNA into different types of RNA then can make amino acids and proteins.

8. New node

9. central dogma

9.1. New node

9.1.1. Flow of genetic information in the cell

10. Proteins

10.1. perform chemical reactions

10.2. provides bodys main building materials

10.3. encoded in DNA

10.4. made in amino acids

10.5. form the cell architecture and structural components

11. Genes

11.1. made of DNA

11.2. carry traits through generations

11.3. serve as instructions for making RNA and proteins

11.4. Beadle and Tatum

11.4.1. discovered that genes react to each other by chemical reactions

12. DNA

12.1. double helix

12.1.1. two connected strands are complemtary

12.2. Walson, Crick, and Wikins awarded Nobel Prize in physiology for discovery of double helix in DNA

13. nucleolus

13.1. Creates ribosomes and builds ribosomes from rRNA and from proteins, ribosomes produce proteins

14. introns and exons

14.1. Makes the coding sequence and determines what protein will be made depending on where it is spliced.