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Community by Mind Map: Community

1. Communication Style

1.1. Language Proficiency in target language

1.1.1. The voice

2. Motivational Agency

2.1. Monetary

2.1.1. Risk Aversion

3. Prior Contextual Experience

4. Broad Social Context

4.1. Family Values

4.2. Cultural Values

4.2.1. Legal Context

4.3. Institution Values

5. Instructor Style

5.1. Instructor self-efficacy

5.1.1. Instructor motivators

6. shared resources & knowledge

7. individual & shared goals

7.1. Membership

8. policies & guidelines (norms)

9. Design Patterns

9.1. Resource Organziation

10. knowledge management

11. communication & interaction

11.1. technology

11.1.1. social presence & identity collaborative learning & contribution