The Royal Society of London

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The Royal Society of London by Mind Map: The Royal Society of London

1. Fellows

1.1. The society's core members are the Fellows. Fellows of the Royal Society are elected to the Royal Society by their peers who consider them to have made " a substantial contribution to the improvement of natural knowledge including maths, engineering science and medical science".

2. The official website


3. history

3.1. The Royal Society started from groups of physicians and natural philosophers, meeting at variety of locations, including Gresham College in London. They were influenced by the "new science", as promoted by Francis Bacon in his New Atlantis, from approximately 1645 onwards.

4. founders

4.1. The group of founding twelve men included Sir Robert Moray,Robert Boyle,Alexander Bruce,John Wilkins,Christopher Wren,William Petty,William Brouncker.

5. Royal Charter

5.1. The first Royal Charter was signed on 15 July 1662

6. Foundation Date of The Royal Society of London

6.1. The official foundation date is 28 November 1660. When a group of 12 met at Gresham College after a lecture by Christopher Wren and decided to found a "Colledge for the Promotion of Physico-Mathematical Experimental Learning" The society's motto " Nullius in verba" roughly translates as "Take nobody's word for it".

7. Honours

7.1. The Royal Society presents numerous awards, lectures and medals to recognise scientific achievement. The oldest is the Croonian Lecture, created in 1701 at the request of the widow of William Croone, one of the founding members of the Royal Society. The Croonian Lecture is still awarded on an annual basis, and is considered the most important Royal Society prize for the biological sciences. Although the Croonian Lecture was created in 1701, it was first awarded in 1738, seven years after the Copley Medal. The Copley Medal is the oldest Royal Society medal still in use and is awarded for "outstanding achievements in research in any branch of science".

8. publishing

8.1. The society introduced the world's first journal exclusively devoted to science in 1665, Philosophical Transactions, and in so doing originated the peer review process now widespread in scientific journals. Its founding editor was Henry Oldenburg, the society's first secretary.

9. The first President

9.1. William Brouncker (1620-1684)