by Dan Taylor

1. Performances By:
1.1. Delphine Hsinl Kini Mei
1.2. Maria Petrova
1.3. Martin Schlögel
1.4. Niko Maly
1.5. Paul Schreitl
1.6. Andreas Olszweski
2. Legend
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3. What?
3.1. The TEDxVienna’s theme for 2010 is “xross over” and reflects the idea of conceptualization and action as a way of thinking outside the box in various socially relevant fields. Vienna has been the gateway into Eastern Europe in the past and is currently regaining importance as such cross-roads. See More ...
4. When?
4.1. November 29, 2010 15:00 - 21:00
5. Where?
5.1. Studio 44: Rennweg 44 1030 Wien, Austria
6. Who?
6.1. Jessica White
6.1.1. Creativity Unlocks
6.2. Josef Prusa
6.2.1. Open Source Hardware
6.3. Andreas Blumauer
6.3.1. Open or Closed?
6.4. Gregoire Cosendai
6.4.1. Hopes of restoring vision to the blind
6.5. Florian Brody
6.5.1. Live from Silicon Valley
6.6. Tomas Rousek
6.6.1. From Ocean to Mars
6.7. Selma Prodanovic
6.7.1. The influence of one
6.8. Sava Dalbokov
6.8.1. Money and Honey
6.9. Daniel Grumiller
6.9.1. New force at large distances
6.10. Sean Bonner
6.10.1. Neo-minimalism and the rise of the technomads
6.11. Sabine Seymour
6.11.1. Functional Aesthetics
6.12. Johannes Grenzfurthner
6.12.1. "Professor Thomann, I assume?" (on how to subvert subversion)
6.13. Herbert Nitsch
6.13.1. Breathless