The Witness
by Oillarburu Eztitxu

1. Why?
1.1. Dillon is afraid, scared.
1.2. Dillon is a key witness for the police because he can identify the terrorists.
2. Where?
2.1. Ireland ?
2.2. Dillon's house
3. When?
3.1. 20th century
3.2. Wars for the Ireland independence
4. Who ?
4.1. Dillon
4.1.1. While being held hostage by IRA members, he saw the face of on his captors.
4.1.2. He is the target.
4.2. The little red-haired man
4.2.1. The man who is on Dillon's house
4.3. Two members of The IRA
4.4. The Chief Inspector norton
4.4.1. He wants Dillon to testify.