My Tool Box

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My Tool Box by Mind Map: My Tool Box

1. Organization

1.1. Pinterest is a web 2.0 toolthat allows users to visually share, and discover new interest by posting images or videos on their own or others boards. This is a great place to find drills and practice plans on an organized board.

1.2. Simple Note is a mobile app that keeps notes, lists, ideas and more. Your notes stay in sync on all of your devices as your collection of notes grows , you can search them instantly and keep them organized with pins and tags.

1.3. Trello is a mobile app that organizes your projects into boards. In one glance, Trello tells you whats being worked on, who is working on what and where something is in a process. This app is a great way to collaborate with others in you group without face to face meetings.

1.4. Hudl is a mobile app that provides tools for coaches and athletes to review game footage to improve team plays. This app also makes scouting other teams easier with their video exchange option.

1.5. Google Drive is a Web 2.0 tool that allows unlimited users to access forms and documents. Users can work on documents and the information is automatically saved, not to the users desktop, but to their Google Drive, which is connected to their Google account. This is such an easy tool for both administrators and teachers to stay connected without having to constantly email back and forth.

2. Classroom

2.1. Hudltechnique is a mobile app that allows athletes and coaches to improve through slow motion video analysis. Useful during a practice, race or game. Users are able to compare videos side by side, add drawings and audio commentary or track and compare athlete progress over time.

2.2. Explain Everything is a mobile app that is an interactive whiteboard, it is a great tool to make instructional videos which demonstrate different concepts. Users can annotate, manipulate and add narration to documents, photos and videos which lead to presentations users can easily share.

2.3. Socrative is a mobile app for students to share their understanding by answering formative assessment questions in a variety of ways. No student accounts are necessary, students join the teachers room via the teachers unique code.

2.4. Imovie is a mobile app that allows users to tell stories through videos and watch videos. There are trailer templates users can acess and customizable logos, cast names and credits. Users are also able to upload videos or photos to iMovie.

2.5. Google Classroom is a web 2.0 tool which allows teachers to create, collect, and grade assignments paperlessly. Google Classroom saves documents automatically and your login can be used on any computer, where your work will be saved to your account.

3. Communication

3.1. Gmail is a web 2.0 tool that provides free email for storing messages and provides the ability to search for specific messages. This tool is a great way to communicate with other sin your professional learning network.

3.2. Twitter is a web 2.0 tool that is for social networking. This tool allows users to send and read short 140 character tweets. Twitter is a great way to remind your community of games or activities with your school.

3.3. Instagram is a web 2.0 tool that is for social networking. This tool allows you to connect with other professionals to help you be more successful.

3.4. Linked In is a web 2.0 tools that is for business oriented social netowkring. This tools allows you to connect with other professionals to help you be more successful.

3.5. Remind is a mobile app that helps teachers and coaches communicate with parents and students this app is a great way to remind athletes about practice or if something gets cancelled.

3.6. Facebook is a web 2.0 tool that is for social networking. This tools allows you to connect and share with your family, and friends online. It is also a great place to promote your schools activities with your community.

4. Administration

4.1. Observation 360 is a mobile app that integrates on-demand training resources and a wide array of reporting capabilities into the observfatino process. This app provides the user with the resources, data and personalized training to prepare your teachers to get 100% of students college and career ready.

4.2. Edu Creations is a mobile app that is an interactive whiteboard and screencasting tool. It can be used to annotate, animate, and narrate nearly any type of content as you explain any concept. Instruction videos can be made and shared instantly with staff or students.

4.3. Activities Scheduler is a mobile app that allows athletic directors and coaches to get schedules, enter scores and determine which games apply to their standings. Users will be able to see rosters and get emergency contact information for all of their student athletes.

4.4. Doodle is a mobile app which allows multiple users to create and edit schedules. Invitees can participate without the app on mobile and desktop websites.