Post US Civil War
by Diana Ghaly
1. 1. Black voting rights systematically taken away. 2. Deportation policies – European immigrants (undocumented, but legal) vs. Mexican immigrants (illegal, despite escaped quota restrictions.). 3. Systematic & institutionalized racism directed at blacks, and Indians in relation to citizenship, property, and systems of freedom means that Mexicans were forcibly incorporated into the US, on an uneven playing field. 4. Manifest Destiny is a racial ideology that pivots ideas on who is deemed worthy of access to resources and “fit for citizenship.” 5. State constitution contains racial restriction allows only white to vote. Due to mestizo linkage, Mexicans in CA were ineligible to vote. 6. Politics of imperialism use racial scripts that name Mexicans as white in name only. 7. Anti-miscegenation legislation towards Asian men to protect white women. Banned through immigration laws not allowing families to enter US. 8. Jewish success – Institutional nature of racism and centrality of state policies to creating and changing races. Government funded the transition from inferior to model middle-class citizens. 9. Wealth gap inevitably created for Blacks, Mexicans, and minority cultures. 10. USES, Veterans /Housing Administration, denied African Amer. GIs access to benefits and opportunities.
2. Racial Caste Systems
2.1. 1. Jim Crow Laws 2. Anti-Black Laws 3. 2nd Class Citizens 4. Racial Restrictive Covenants 5. Separate but not Equal
3. Pro-Segregation
3.1. 1. Mongrelization of the white race is a great danger of integration. Mongrel Race will destroy America. 2. Anti-Black Stereotypes 3. Racial Lens through Racial Scripts creates social, political, legal inequality. 4. Mexican Stereotypes ( criminal, social burden, diseased, inferior) 5. Discuss Mexicans as “ the negro problem” 6. Prison – the operation of the color line, disparity is not so great when allowance is made for the social class. 7. Euro-Origin GIs vs. African American GI’s
4. Rationalizations
4.1. 1. Whites’ superior in intelligence, morality, & civilized behavior. 2. Non White, nonnormative, unfit for self-government, the “other” 3. When it comes to immigration, we “understand each new “other” in relation to groups with which we are already familiar. 4. Manifest Destiny highlighted Mexican’s inferior racial position due to indigenous roots. 5. Grant’s The Passage of the Great Race, …nightmare was race-mixing among Europeans. 6. 1920 – Scientific racism “Real Americans were white and that real whites came from Northwest Europe.”
5. Racial Scripts & Racial Hierarchy
5.1. 1. Central premise of scripts: racialized groups are linked across time and space. 2. Built into American system reveals the capitalist expansion always worked at cross-purposes to the goal of racial & cultural homogeneity. 3. Racism builds on past racial acts. 4. Mexican's marked as legally white, but socially & culturally “other” & inferior complicates status for generations to come. 5. Unequal citizenship 6. Constitutes problems, and what might serve as a solution. “There should be a new Klan of all real Americans.” 7. Nativists damaged with racial impurity
6. Labor & Expansion
6.1. 1. Mexican immigration was and still is primarily labor migration. 2. Fulfill country’s need for low wage laborers. High labor demand and supplied labor. 3. Demonstrates the need to manage labor vs. maintenance of US racial purity. 4. As the US continues to expand territorially & economically, the demand for labor always trumped the social desire to maintain racial purity. 5. Expansion causes future immigration patters. 6. Ban on Asian women migration meant Asian men were transient labor, gave rise to proving that Asian men needed to be controlled and monitored through pre-existing conditions. 7. Racial scripts portray racialized group positively for the self-serving purpose of guaranteeing a cheap labor force.\ 8. Economic prosperity played a powerful role in whitening process. Postwar economic prosperity expanded the need for professional, technical, and managerial labor, and government assistance in providing it. 9. GI Bill of Rights – created to develop needed labor force needs.
7. Violence " Keep all non-whites at the bottom of the racial hierarchy."
7.1. 1. Physical Violence Lynching KKK Police Dogs Billy Clubs High-pressure fire hoses 2. Emotional violence
8. White Supremacist Governments
9. Whiteness – Are you on the “Right side of the color line?”
9.1. 1. Shades of whiteness. Defined but what you are not: black, Indian, Mexican. 2. “money whitens” 3. Mexicans forced to accept US racial hierarchy because whiteness afforded them certain rights. 4. Irish forced and opted instead for privileges and burdens of whiteness. White skin made them eligible, but they still how to earn it. 5. Politics reconfigured the category of whiteness it include European immigrants. 6. Being incorporated into an expanded version of whiteness opened up economic doors to middle class which is now above middle class. 7. Post war benefits passed on generation after generation vs. Post war restrictions passed on re: minorities.
10. Reconstruction
10.1. 1870 1. Whites still elected to majority local offices. 2. Black citizens freely voted and freedom of speech, but methods still used to limit rights like over taxation, corruption
10.2. 1877 1. Old Confederacy federal troops no longer protect rights. White Supremacy returns. 2. Violence starts again. 3. Laws passed to ban interracial marriages 4. Segregate railroad cars & public schools. 5. Facially neutral laws make sure blacks will never freely participate in votes. 6. 15th amendment denied through overcoming barriers
10.3. 1890 1. Mississippi passes new state law to replace existing laws. “We came here to exclude the Negro.” 2. While banning black voting is illegal, state constitutions are written to prevent black participation. 3. Voter restrictions create difficulties and barriers to vote. 4. Poll taxes required 2 years in advance. 5. Literacy tests exclude 60% Black and White preferential treatment. 6. Grandfather Clauses.
11. Non Violence “We must use the weapon of love.” MLK
11.1. 1. Tactics were effective in civil right protest in racially segregated South, but still lead to violence. 2. Sit ins, CORE, Freedom Riders “ Black Power”
12. America’s Racial Problems
12.1. 1970 “The Civil Rights movement did not end America’s racial problems, but it showed that great changes are possible.”
12.2. Present - Still evident!
13. Greed
14. Unfit
15. Racism
16. Past
17. Future
18. Present