What would make MindMeister more awesome?

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What would make MindMeister more awesome? by Mind Map: What would make MindMeister more awesome?

1. Allow spectrum voting (not just THUMB UP/ THUMB DOWN)

2. Make it WAY clearer what stuff's changed since I last viewed a map

3. Add a suggest/ "adding only" option to Sharing Permissions (in between 'view only' and 'full editing permission')

3.1. instead of this

3.2. this

4. Make 'Relationship' links point the the MIDDLE of bubbles (not the ends!)

5. Offer users a proper way to give feedback/ feature requests in a collaborative way (where we can build upon/ be inspired by each others' ideas)

6. fix bugs

6.1. FIX BUBBLE COLOUR BACKGROUND Formatting a bubble's background colour, I can only pick a grayscale colour (because the pipette isn't actually 'inside' the colour box!

6.2. FIX COPY/ PASTE Copy/ pasting a branch from one map to another appears to paste (only the first 3 levels!) but disappears as soon as I refresh

7. Choose the 'default state' of branches: Expanded (open) or collapsed (closed) - I know you can do this already if you share a 'view only' map, but that's no good for big 'wikimaps'

8. Show who's currently viewing a map (just like on Google Docs)

9. DONE!

9.1. Allow labels on connections (not just bubbles)