
A list of stories we've read, the claims they've made and the ideas they represent.

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Claims by Mind Map: Claims

1. Life

1.1. The Business of Fancy Dancing

1.1.1. "Fathers sin, children must forgive"

1.1.2. "Thumb is what seperates us from the beast."

1.1.3. "Chicken is still just a chicken."

1.1.4. "In the absence of enimies we destroy our beloved."

1.1.5. "It was the lairs, cheaters, and theives who survived [the death camps]."

1.1.6. "The rez is a prison, the whole world is a prison."

1.2. James Baldwin

1.2.1. "If you're fighting for your civil rights that means you're not a civillian."

1.2.2. "What a writer is to realize is that he is involved in language and he must change."

1.2.3. "The assumption at which language operates is his enemy."

2. Single Stories

2.1. The Business of Fancy Dancing

2.1.1. Gay Male Perspective "A chicken is still just a chicken." Seymours grandmother tells him the story of her gay rooster when he tells her he is gay; she is saying that what he is on the inside won't change her view of him and on another level she is saying that just because he is gay he is still Indian, he is still the same on the outside.

2.1.2. Indian "Indians always have secrets" "All of the Indians [in stories] must have tradgic features, eyes, and arms..heros must be half-breeds..." "White people don't call at 3 in the morning." "Most smart Indians move away from the Rez." "The Rez is a prison, the whole world is a prison." "All the white people will be Indians and all the Indians will be ghosts."

2.1.3. Writer "I think that nothing is real until I write it first." "In the absence of enimies we destroy our beloved."

2.2. For Colored Girls

2.2.1. African American Women "She's been dead so long / closed in silence so long / she doesn't know the sound / of her own voice / her infinite beauty"

2.2.2. Rapists "A rapist is always to be a stranger / to be legitimate / someone you never saw / a man wit abvious problems"