Money Always Talks

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Money Always Talks by Mind Map: Money Always Talks

1. Occassion

1.1. Answer

1.1.1. Summer and Gin Lane

1.2. Quote(s) from the article that supports your claim

1.2.1. "At the tail end of the summer, I happened to stay with my teenage daughter at the rented house of friends in Southampton. "

1.3. Explanation

1.3.1. They are at the end of summer

2. Action


2.1.1. The momma broke and the daugther mad

2.2. Quote(s) from the article that supports your claim

2.2.1. Although the family I come from is fairly wealthy

2.3. Explanation

2.3.1. she said although meaning something happend

3. Action Points

3.1. Answer

3.1.1. when the lady lose all her money

3.2. Quote(s) from the article that support your claim

3.2.1. Why had we sold the family beach house just because my mother no longer wanted to maintain it? And why hadn’t I acquired one myself? Our conversation slowly rose to more of a squabble, until finally we weren’t talking. What can I say? Money

3.3. Explanation

3.3.1. She sold the house to get the money due to the fact she is losing her money.

4. Speaker


4.2. Quote(s) from the article that supports your claim

4.2.1. "I happened to stay with my teenage daughter at the rented house of friends in Southampton."

4.3. Explanation

4.3.1. She says that her and her daugther stayed at a rented house

5. Tone

5.1. Answer

5.1.1. The rich wanna be different

5.2. Quote(s) from the article that supports your claim

5.2.1. So, as it turns out, Ernest Hemingway was wrong, and F. Scott Fitzgerald was right: The rich are different, not only because they have more money but also because they elicit such an oxymoronic barrage of responses.

5.3. Explanation

5.3.1. He states that the rich are differnet