Community Agency: Merrymount Family Support and Crisis Centre
by Shawn Morrison
1. Mission: To help children by supporting their families in times of crisis and transition.
2. Over 8 000 families access Merrymount each year.
3. 30 educational programs offered to children and their families.
4. 24 hours of continuous care including overnight services
5. 18 beds for children who can not be with their parents due to crisis.
6. Community Partners
6.1. Women's Community House: A shelter for abused women
6.2. Middlesex Health Unit
6.3. Children's Aid Society
6.4. Child and Youth Network
6.5. K.I.D.S.: Kids In Distressed Situations - A non-profit organization that supports children who have been affected by domestic violence, poverty, tragedy, major illness or natural disaster.
6.6. Community Outreach Program
7. Ontario Early Years Centre: Supports students with illness, special needs or medical needs
8. Programs: Provide resources, counselling, emergency child care and support the navigation of difficult life circumstances.