What does BPEC do, How, Who's involved, and what do we need?

Brighton Peace & Environment Centre: What we do & Who does it

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What does BPEC do, How, Who's involved, and what do we need? by Mind Map: What does BPEC do, How, Who's involved, and what do we need?


1.1. Fotodocument

1.2. Warm home Healthy people

1.3. Behaviour change project

1.4. Carbon conversations

1.4.1. Alice Doyle Projects co-ordinator

1.5. RISC projects

1.6. Global Learning Program

1.7. Glastonbury festival buses

1.8. The Level project

2. Other people at BPEC

2.1. Luke Flegg Anti-job title helper

2.2. Rebecca Freeman Book keeping and Admin

3. What do we need? (maybe you can help us?)

3.1. What questions do we need answers to?

3.1.1. Would anyone like to work on our logo & other branding on a voluntary basis?

3.2. How do I view & add to this clever mind map thing?