Death on U Street: The suspects

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Death on U Street: The suspects by Mind Map: Death on U Street: The suspects

1. Leo Mench

1.1. Relationship to the victim

1.1.1. Boss

1.2. Occupation

1.2.1. Owner of Eagle Eye Pawn Shop

1.3. Description

1.3.1. Short Stocky African American

1.4. Motive

1.4.1. Was blackmailed by victim Terry Sweet

1.5. Suspicious behaviour

1.5.1. Tried to hide the blackmail letter

2. ?

3. Sara Sweet

4. William "Billy" Stemper

4.1. Relationship to the victim

4.1.1. co-workers

4.2. Occupation

4.2.1. worked at Eagle Eye Pawn Shop

4.3. Description

4.3.1. in his thirties

4.4. Motive

4.5. Suspicious behaviour

5. Ling Cane

5.1. Description

5.1.1. has long black hair all the way down her back. She Chines Singaporean

5.2. Motive

5.2.1. She may have been having an affair with Sweet

5.3. Occupation

5.3.1. Owner of Cane Gallery

5.4. Relationship to the victim

5.4.1. Boss

5.5. Suspicious behaviour

5.5.1. She made many phone calls to Terry Sweet. She was talking to him at 12 o'clock the night he died.

6. Roland Walker

6.1. Motive

6.2. Occupation

6.2.1. Owner of U Street Camera

6.3. Suspicious behaviour

6.4. Description

6.4.1. good looking

6.5. Relationship to victim

6.5.1. Brother-in-law and Boss