Jan Van Eyck 1395-1441

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Jan Van Eyck 1395-1441 by Mind Map: Jan Van Eyck 1395-1441

1. places

1.1. flanders

1.2. bruges

1.3. italy

1.3.1. secret trips

1.4. Lille

2. people

2.1. worked for John III count of holland

2.2. court painter for Phillip the good

2.2.1. went on missions to Italy to paint

2.3. patrons

2.3.1. Giovanni, Giovana Arnolfini portrait 1434 Giovanna died right before or soon after supplier of gold and silver cloth devoted to catholic church

2.3.2. Nicolas Rolin

2.3.3. Nicolas Van Maelbeke

2.3.4. George Van Der Paele

2.4. Petrus Christus

2.4.1. took over after Van Eyck's death

2.4.2. same style

2.4.3. finished St. Jerome (c. 1435) for Van Eyck

2.5. trained under Lucas D'Heere

2.6. brother Huber Van Eyck

3. material

3.1. oil glaze

3.2. pigment

3.3. oak panel

3.4. under drawing

4. motto

4.1. Als Ish Kan (All I can)