Jan Van Eyck 1390-1441

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Jan Van Eyck 1390-1441 by Mind Map: Jan Van Eyck 1390-1441

1. Training

1.1. Brother Hubert

1.2. Educated

1.2.1. liturgical and devotional tetxs

1.2.2. latin create Greek and Hebrew letters

1.2.3. caligraphy writing signed works

2. Works of Art

2.1. Ghent Altatpiece

2.2. Virgin w/ Chancellor Rolin

2.3. Arnolfini Portrait

2.4. St. Barabara

2.5. Crucifixion

2.6. Last Judgement

2.7. Adoration of the Magi

3. Personal Life

3.1. Family

3.1.1. Brother Hubert

3.1.2. Wife Margaret

3.1.3. Daughter

3.2. Location

3.2.1. Bruges

3.2.2. Ghent

4. Themes/Motifs

4.1. Religious

4.1.1. Virgin and Child

4.2. Portraits

4.3. Iconography

4.3.1. honor cloth

4.3.2. red/white flowers the passion

4.3.3. chalice blood of christ

4.3.4. fruit adam and eve

4.3.5. dog fedelity

4.3.6. candles life/death

5. Commissoners

5.1. Philip the Good - Duke of Burgundy

5.1.1. varlet de chambre

5.2. Chancellor Rolin

5.3. John III - Count of Holland

5.3.1. Masterpiece

6. Techniques/Style

6.1. Oil painting

6.1.1. Realism/Naturalism

6.2. very detail oriented

6.2.1. meticulous preparatory drawings

6.2.2. create likness of sitter

6.3. layers upon layers of glazes

6.3.1. depth - highlights/shadows

6.4. inscriptions/signed and dated work

6.4.1. asl ik kan