Fabber: Morflex
by Roxana Garrido

1. Study Gropus
1.1. Group 2: CAD-CAM-CAE
1.2. Group 3-5: Computer Controlled Machining and cutting
1.3. Group 7-9: 3d scanning and printting
2. Evaluation
2.1. exercice 1: CAD
2.2. exercice 2: Machines Mapping
3. Photos
4. Plataformas
4.1. Facebook
4.2. Flickr
5. Workshop ideas
5.1. Analog modeling
5.2. Digital modeling
6. Project
6.1. Autoregulation mechanism
6.1.1. Nuevo nodo
6.2. Cloud catcher
7. Reflections
7.1. Key words
7.1.1. Innovation, adaptability, feedback, energy efficiency sustentability ...