Debate: Are there any silent parts in the human brain? - NO! by B.O. Popescu, Romania

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Debate: Are there any silent parts in the human brain? - NO! by B.O. Popescu, Romania by Mind Map: Debate: Are there any silent parts in  the human brain? - NO!  by B.O. Popescu, Romania

1. How do we test neurological deficits?

1.1. neurological clinical exam

1.2. what lesions can be detected by a standard clinical neurological examination?

1.3. silent lesions?

1.3.1. snowdon brain infarction and the clinical expression of AD JAMA 1997 Link to paper

1.3.2. neurology 2010 jun 15;74 Link to Paper Intellectual enrichment lessens the effect of brain atrophy on learning and memory in multiple sclerosis

1.3.3. Disruption of the rigth temporoparietal junction with transcranial manetic stimulation reduces the role of beliefs in moral judgments young et al Link to Paper

2. conclusions

2.1. behavioral neurology

2.1.1. creativity

2.1.2. feelings

2.1.3. elaborated judgment

2.1.4. etc

2.2. many "silent" brain lesions matter when new lesions occur

3. Meeting notes by

3.1. Paul de Roos



3.2. Mindmap hosted on

3.2.1. Twitter:

3.3. Meeting

3.3.1. Controversies in Neurology Linkt to website

3.3.2. Plenary session overview Link to mindmap

4. common myths and questions

4.1. no complete silence

4.2. sequence of activation

4.3. We only use 10% of our brain, only 10% of our brain potential

4.4. We use 100% of our brain

4.5. is the question well asked?

4.6. Do humans use "more" of their brain than their ancestors

4.7. do primates/mammals/reptiles/birds/etc use only part / all of their brains?

5. How do we connect a brain area with neurological function?

5.1. autopsy in humans

5.2. lesion - based brain-behavioral studies

5.3. experimental models - rats, monkeys

5.4. fMRI - performance of different tasks, but tasks are a limitation (love, writing a poem)

5.5. brain imagery cannot capture functions that happen to quickly or too slowly