by Samuel Le Berrigaud

1. Backup
1.1. Serialisation
1.2. Integration testing
1.2.1. From one DB to another
1.3. Scalability
1.3.1. Test with millions of entries
1.3.2. Streaming API (less memory usage)
1.4. Database case sensitivity issue
2. the ActiveObjects library
2.1. Database support
2.1.1. Oracle
2.1.2. Postgres
2.1.3. MySQL
2.1.4. SQL Server
2.1.5. HSQL
2.1.6. DB2
2.2. Integration testing
2.2.1. Oracle
2.2.2. Postgres
2.2.3. MySQL
2.2.4. SQL Server
2.2.5. HSQL
2.2.6. DB2
2.3. Documentation
2.4. Maven build
3. Performance testing
4. Configuration
4.1. 'ao' module
4.1.1. scan for entities
4.2. Transaction processor
4.2.1. Remove need of component?
5. Product integration
5.1. Products
5.1.1. Refapp
5.1.2. Confluence
5.1.3. JIRA
5.1.4. FishEye/Crucible
5.1.5. Bamboo
5.1.6. Crowd