Aha Parenting Paid Forum Setup

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Aha Parenting Paid Forum Setup by Mind Map: Aha Parenting Paid Forum Setup

1. Customer Actions

1.1. Customer Completes Purchase Form

1.1.1. Recurly Validate purchase and add customer to plan they choose

1.1.2. BC Validate that purchase went through in Recurly, then... If customer DOES NOT have an account they are added to My Account SZ and Forum SZ If customer has an account, they are added to Forum SZ Make "Billing Details" section in My Account visible

1.1.3. Muut

1.2. Customer's Payment Fails

1.2.1. Recurly Go through standard Dunning process

1.2.2. BC Revoke SZ access

2. Purchase form http://www.ahaparenting.com/paid-forum-enrollment

2.1. Have an account? Login.

2.2. Create an Account

2.2.1. Email

2.2.2. Password

2.2.3. Password Confirm

2.3. Select your Plan

2.3.1. Annual $XX/year

2.3.2. Monthly $XX/mo

2.4. Billing Info

2.5. Card Details

3. Paid Forum Project Overview

3.1. Customer's buy access to paid forum via a form on BC site that's integrated with Recurly for recurring billing

3.2. Upon successful payment, the customer is given access to a "Paid Forum" Secure Zone

3.3. A Muut forum is embedded within a page in the "Paid Forum" SZ - found here: http://www.ahaparenting.com/forum/intro

3.4. If a customer's recurring payment fails at any point, Recurly will handle the dunning process, and if they are delinquent, BC SZ access will be revoked.