High Heeled Shoes https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Mcec3ffaef89ee428bd905334d3a32ae5H0&pid=Api
by Sarah Pond
1. Originated in Egypt for butchers to keep feet clean
2. Chinese foot binding and Lotus shoes
3. Pros
3.1. Additional height promotes confidence and authority
3.2. Female Empowerment
3.3. Timeless and formal accessory
3.4. Promotes good body posture and core strength
4. Cons
4.1. Foraminal Stenosis
4.2. Irreversible changes to the body
4.3. Injury prone
4.3.1. Limits speed and stride length
4.4. Foot, tendon, and back pain
5. Styles https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M9abe9ac1e30d6c91c73edc52fb6322ebo0&pid=Api
5.1. Block heel 1970s
5.2. Tappered heels 1990s
5.3. Wedge heel 1930s Ferragamo
5.4. Clogs
5.5. Heeled boots
5.6. Stiletto heel 1950s
6. التاريخ https://thenypost.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/shoe2.jpg؟quality=100&strip=all&w=664&h=441&crop=1
6.1. Worn by Men and popularized by Louis XIV
6.1.1. Napolean bans high heels
6.1.2. Used in Medieval Times for horseback riding