The school

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The school by Mind Map: The school

1. 10H20-10H50

1.1. The second period of the day starts after learners have moved to the class of the teachers who teach them. I was observing the grade 11 lesson on goal settings.

2. 10H50-11H20

2.1. third period begins and teachers continue to teach and learners learn. I was waiting in the staff room because my mentor teacher did not have class.

3. 08H20-09H50

3.1. the period of the day starts and teaching and learning takes places in all classes.

4. 08H15-08H20

4.1. Teachers go to class and start to teach while signing the learners register and mark the learners notes book.

5. 08H00-08H15

5.1. School starts and learners attend the assembly for prayer and the teachers attend staff meeting for briefing.

6. 13H35-14H45

6.1. 8th period learners go back to class as well as the grade 12 leaners for the last period than they are off to practice sports

7. 11H20-11H50

7.1. fourth periods I was presenting a lesson for grade 9 learners.

8. 12H50-13H35

8.1. 7th period the grade 12 learners and teachers attend a fundraising meeting for the matric boll, while teaching goes on in other classes.

9. 12H20-12H50

9.1. 6th period learners go back to class and teaching and learning continues.

10. 11H50-12H20

10.1. 5th period is break time and learners go to eat and I was monitoring the learners at the tuck shop.

11. 14H45

11.1. school knocks off and learners go to practice sports and others attend their debate practice and I went home.