hunger and food waste- imposed calamities on Africans

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hunger and food waste- imposed calamities on Africans by Mind Map: hunger and food waste- imposed calamities on Africans

1. Priorities: Exporting food products

1.1. Solutions to food products rejected in foreign countries

1.1.1. Concrete measures concerning rejected food products

2. Priorities- feeding our vulnerable 1st

2.1. Example of Mechanisms that will work

3. Export all 1st or ????

4. Fatima Alabo -hunger and food waste

5. Hunger- definition , African concept

5.1. Advanced countries- Hunger?

5.2. Africa-Hunger-

6. Food waste- what waste?

6.1. Waste?

6.1.1. ?????

6.2. Food

6.2.1. ?????

7. Hunger + food waste=Economic dependence

8. Internal economic dependence +external economic dependence

8.1. £,$,€,¥ the local inconvertible currency