North West CCAC

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North West CCAC by Mind Map: North West CCAC

1. The School Health Support Services program provides health services in school for students who require medical and/or rehabilitative assistance to enable them to attend school, participate in school routines and receive instruction. The program serves students in public schools and private schools, as well as students receiving home instruction.

2. Vision

2.1. to provide outstanding care everyday

3. Equity

3.1. ACCESS TO EDUCATION FOR THOSE WHO NEED IT MOST Many students with complex health problems and disabilities would not be able to attend school without the health supports that CCACs provide. A large number of the students that CCACs serve have developmental delays or other challenges that do not affect their ability to attend school, but may affect their ability to fully benefit from educational routines.

4. Inclusion

4.1. Children attend school to learn and develop intellectually. They also attend school to socialize, exercise and experience life outside the home. For our young patients who require physical, medical and mental health support, we provide a variety of in-school health services to maximize their opportunities to attend school and benefit from the learning environment.

5. access

5.1. In addition to delivering care in schools, visiting professionals will also provide health-related education, teaching and consultation services to school staff and parents in the school setting. Students attending private schools or receiving home instruction may also be provided with personal support services. In the public school system, these services are funded through school boards.

6. Services for students/families

7. Diversity

7.1. In-school health services give your child access to a wide variety of health-care professionals, and are arranged through our School Health Support Services program. These services might include nursing, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech language therapy and nutrition counselling. For children and youth attending private schools or receiving home schooling, personal support services may also be provided.

8. Values

8.1. Treating everyone with respect, empathy fairness and integrity

9. Reference
