by Etchepare Ana

1. Where?
1.1. Ireland?
1.2. Dillon's house
2. When?
2.1. 20th century
2.2. Wars for the ireland independence
3. Why?
3.1. Dillon is afraid, scared
3.2. Dillon is the principal witness because he have identity the terrorist
4. What?
4.1. Dilon decided to tell the police that he won't testify
4.2. The terrorist kill Dillon
5. Who?
5.1. Dillon
5.1.1. He is the target
5.1.2. Hostage by IRA
5.2. Two members of the IRA
5.3. The little red-haired man
5.3.1. The terrorist
5.4. The Chief Inspector Norton
5.4.1. He wants Dillon to testify