Uses and Gratifications theory in our media product
by Ella Thompson
1. Entertain
1.1. Escaping into the life of Grace - her obsession with stalking captives audience's attention
1.2. Jump cuts and editing to the beat of the music adds pace and suspense to the opening
1.3. Atmospheric, tense music puts audience on edge - what they would expect of psychological thrillers
2. Social Interaction
2.1. Exciting and somewhat scary action encourages audience to discuss emotions with friends
2.2. Build up of action enigma leads audience to question Grace's actions - discussion point
3. Identity
3.1. Familiar setting of London suburban house and streets for British audience
3.2. Relatable characters - Ella the stalkee has a boyfriend, wears typical teenage girl clothes and uses social media extensively, also same ages as audience
3.3. Social media theme throughout film used to stalk - familiar to audience of 15-24 year olds who use it daily
4. Educate
4.1. Possible dangers of social media/online presence and safety