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Asepsis by Mind Map: Asepsis

1. The theory of microbes:

1.1. Microbes existing on the surface of every object, particularly in hospitals

1.2. The doctor should use clean instruments

1.3. Washing his hands with the greatest care

1.4. Employ only those bandages and charpie which had been heated to a temperature of 130° or 150°C

2. Three great discoveres French researcher Pasteur:

2.1. "Each fermentation is produced by the development of a particular microbe."

2.2. "Each infectious disease is produced by the development of a particular microbe within the human organism."

2.3. "The microbe of an infectious disease, under certain conditions, is attenuated1 in its pathogenic activity; from a microbe it becomes a vaccine."

3. Water:

3.1. The doctor should heat it to a temperature of of 110° or 120°C

3.2. since observation had shown the clearest water to contain still greater number of microbes

4. Strictly followed in medicine principles of asepsis saved thousands of human lives would have been lost because of sepsis.