Hamilton Community Living A Community Service to Support Student Needs

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Hamilton Community Living A Community Service to Support Student Needs by Mind Map: Hamilton Community Living  A Community Service to Support Student Needs

1. Community Living Hamilton’s goal is to educate the community so that it recognizes that some people need more support than others, but all have a way to contribute. All can participate at their own level or in their own way.

1.1. Community Living Hamilton promises to work with individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families throughout their lifetime so that they can be free to:

1.1.1. This is achieved through:

1.1.2. helping people build skills

1.1.3. providing a range of services

1.1.4. having partnerships in the community

1.1.5. speaking up for and with people with intellectual disabilities

1.2. go to work

1.3. go to church

1.4. vote

1.5. volunteer

1.6. donate

1.7. make their own decisions

1.8. have friends and people who care for them, and

1.9. succeed in life!

2. The Vision Statement for Hamilton Community Living: All persons live with dignity as citizens of their community, share in every element of living and have equal opportunity to participate.

3. Respite Services for Students and their Families

3.1. Alternate Care - Planned and regular respite for a family with a son/daughter. Your child stays in another family's home for a short-term arrangement - allowing opportunity for respite for your family.

3.2. Respite for a family with a child under the age of 18. Your child stays in a group setting in a home-like environment - allowing for growth of social skills, friendship/relationship building and community participation.

3.3. Community Living Hamilton has a team of qualified and enthusiastic staff that will provide your child with a day of fun, meaningful and safe activities emphasizing recreation, crafts, community outings and relationship building. Children and Youth who meet the eligibility criteria can be referred by Contact Hamilton and participate through a monthly visit provided under a funding agreement with the Ministry of Community and Social Services and the Ministry of Child and Youth Services, OR This service is available through a fee for service arrangement at a rate of $50.00 per day. This is an excellent option for those families receiving SSAH funding who are hoping to expand the options available to their children.

3.4. Child Care Supports for Kids Integration Resources Hub As a participating member of the Integration Resources Hub, Community Living Hamilton provides Special Needs Resourcing supports to assist licensed child care programs to include children with special needs. Staff includes support facilitators and resource teachers who work directly with your child in their child care centre. In addition to direct support, staff also assist with information and referral as well as transition to school.

4. To access these and many other services, and for more information please contact: Charlene McCullough, Manager, Client Services 905-528-0281 x360 or [email protected]

5. Hamilton Community Living promotes full inclusion through person-directed planning; which promotes independence and personal choice, but ultimately they assist clients lead the lives they want.

6. It is one of the largest not-for-profits in Hamilton as they provide service to approximately 1,000 children, teens, adults and families every year.

7. Community Living Hamilton is an accredited not-for-profit organization and registered charity that offers a full range of services to people with an intellectual disability.