Retail Warehouse Purcahse flow (processing procedure for retail goods in a distribution center)

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Retail Warehouse Purcahse flow (processing procedure for retail goods in a distribution center) by Mind Map: Retail Warehouse Purcahse flow (processing procedure for retail goods in a distribution center)

1. Create Purchase Order

2. Create delivery required to send the material one plant to another plant .

3. Appointment Planing

4. Receipt of incoming Goods

5. Post Goods Receipt

6. Enter an Actual Appointment

7. Goods Receipt with Reference to the receipt before the actual goods receipt posting

8. Put away preparation for receiving goods

8.1. Inseption

8.2. Breaking down the load into more mobile components

8.3. determining the appropriate destination

8.4. preparing the destination location

8.5. transporting the items

8.6. physically storing goods in the store's backroom

9. Putaway Processing for customer delivery

9.1. Log on to terminal point of a transport system

9.2. Search for the Document for Goods Receipt

9.3. Create a Return Delivery

9.4. Issue a Document as Goods Issue / Receipt Slip

9.5. Create a Transfer Order in the Warehouse

9.6. Goods Collection

9.7. Replenishment Planning

9.8. Create a Transfer Order

9.9. Confirm Transfer Order

9.10. Create an Customer Delivery