Fruit Classifications

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Fruit Classifications by Mind Map: Fruit Classifications

1. Citrus Fruits-thick rinds and thin membranes separating the flesh into segments

1.1. Grown in warmer regions

1.2. Examples

1.2.1. Oranges

1.2.2. Tangarines

1.2.3. Limes

1.2.4. Lemons

1.2.5. Grapefruit

1.2.6. Pomelos

2. Pomes-smooth skin with a central seed containing core

2.1. thick layer of flesh

2.1.1. Red Delicous

2.1.2. Bosc

2.1.3. Anjou

2.1.4. Granny Smith

2.1.5. Fuji

2.1.6. Golden Delicous

3. Melons: a part of the gourd family, large and juicy with thick rinds and many seeds

3.1. Examples

3.1.1. Cantaloupe

3.1.2. Casaba

3.1.3. Honeydew

3.1.4. Watermelon

4. Tropical Fruits-grown in warm climates

4.1. Considered to be somewhat exotic

4.1.1. Examples Bananas Papayas Pineapples Pomegranates Kiwi Starfruit Passion Fruit Acai Agave Plant Avocado

5. Berries-small fruits with a thin skin and fragile cell structure

5.1. Highly perishable

5.2. Examples

5.2.1. Blackberries

5.2.2. Blueberries

5.2.3. Raspberries

5.2.4. Strawberries

5.2.5. Grapes

5.2.6. Lingonberries

6. Drupes-outer skin covering a soft, fleshy fruit

6.1. The fruit surrounds a single hard stone, or pit, which contains the seed,

6.2. Examples

6.2.1. Cherries

6.2.2. Apricots

6.2.3. Nectarines

6.2.4. Peaches

6.2.5. Plums

6.2.6. Mangoes

6.2.7. Olives