OBJECTIVE: By the end of class, students will be able to identify an effective theme statement an...

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OBJECTIVE: By the end of class, students will be able to identify an effective theme statement and cite at least three pieces of textual evidence to support that statement. by Mind Map: OBJECTIVE: By the end of class, students will be able to identify an effective theme statement and cite at least three pieces of textual evidence to support that statement.

1. Student Description: Student B is an Avid Reader who has been reading on the college level since her 9th grade year. She reads extensively for pleasure and has been officially labeled and Talented and Gifted. While she writes at an average pace, she is typically able to move quickly through all reading based assignments.

2. Student B: The Talented and Gifted Reader

2.1. Strategy 1: Collaborative Learning

2.2. Strategy 2: Student Lead mini-lesson

3. Student Description: Student A has little to no interest in reading either in an academic context or for pleasure. When pushed to work with rigorous content 8 times out of 10 the student will shut down and refuse to work. However, the student has demonstrated the ability to tackle rigorous texts on occasion, displaying dormant abilities.

4. Student A: The Unmotivated Reader

4.1. Strategy 1: Pair with an Avid Reader

4.2. Strategy 2: Provide teacher annotated copy of the poem.