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Is Pluto a Planet by Mind Map: Is Pluto a Planet

1. pluto,classification

2. Pluto defying expectations

3. Pluto a binary system

4. pluto may yet be a planet

5. Pluto is my favorite CometZachary Rachor

6. Why did Pluto get kicked out of the planet club? ZAchary Rachor

7. why is pluto not a Planet

8. Pluto Had It Coming

9. New Horizons Rachor

10. Not a Planet, but a Plutoid

11. Dwarf Planet

12. Pluto Is Demoted to ‘Dwarf Planet’

13. Almost there! Pluto looms larger as New Horizons spacecraft closes in.

14. Pluto may have had flowing rivers and lakes

15. Is Pluto a Planet?

16. Is Pluto a planet

17. Top 10 Fascinating facts about Pluto Zachary Rachor