Marvel vs DC: Who dominates the comic book movie industry and why?
by Nate Hadfield
1. Sony makes deal to bring Spider-Man back to Disney's Marvel
2. Slash Films: Batman v Superman Spoiler Review
3. Justice League and Other Upcoming DC Comics Movies
4. Marvel, DC, and Where Threats to America Really Come From
5. Marvel vs. DC: Who Really Makes More Money?
6. Marvel vs DC: Dawn of the Superhero Blockbuster Movie War
7. Disney Sets Dates and New Details for Marvel Superhero Movies
8. Why 'Batman v. Superman' could be one of the biggest blockbuster bomb of all time
9. Organized Chaos Productions: Marvel vs DC at the Movies
10. Can Warner Bros' wave of DC superhero movies sock it to marvel
11. Is the DC Cinematic Universe Ready to Take on Marvel?
12. Warner Bros to take on Marvel studios with a slate of comic-book superhero films
13. The Hollywood Reporter: "Captain America: Civil War" and the Diminishing Returns of Mass Destruction
14. Marvel VS. DC -
15. Is Marvel BETTER Than D.C?!