Aspects of Life Affected by Segregation

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Aspects of Life Affected by Segregation by Mind Map: Aspects of Life Affected by Segregation

1. Workplace

1.1. Mother cannot get a job due to her Race

1.2. Man looks at a sign

2. Politics

2.1. Political System is racist

2.2. Obama speaks about fair

3. Public Accomidations

3.1. Only white people could sit towards the front

3.2. Sign showing where Whites go

3.3. Separating drinking fountains for races

4. Marriage

4.1. In the eyes of Americas, mixed families was bad

4.2. "It is a crime"

5. Schools

5.1. Even the young are being taught to hate others with different race

5.2. Schooling in the 1960s

5.3. Segregation outside Little Rock

6. Housing

6.1. White tenants

6.2. Signs made to spread the word

6.3. Art made to show how nice white town is compared to black