How do we at PNTHS Scaffold & Assess our School-Wide Learning Outcomes?

This is a tool for Pinckney New Technology High School to keep a running dialogue around best practices for scaffolding and assessing their school-wide learning outcomes in all classes.

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How do we at PNTHS Scaffold & Assess our School-Wide Learning Outcomes? by Mind Map: How do we at PNTHS Scaffold & Assess our School-Wide Learning Outcomes?

1. Oral Communication

1.1. All final project presentations

2. Work Ethic

2.1. Any homework assignment

2.2. Daily journal submission

3. Collaboration

4. Written Communication

4.1. Concise reflections on projects, with a set number of examples to back up points made.

4.2. Assess presentations on grammar, spelling, and punctuation

5. Critical Thinking

6. Technology Fluency