Implementing a CSR strategy

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Implementing a CSR strategy by Mind Map: Implementing a CSR strategy

1. Goals and expectations

1.1. What will the program achieve in 12 months?

1.2. What will the program achieve in 3 years?

1.3. Launch goals

1.4. What do stakeholders THINK CSR is?

1.5. Is their resistance to CSR from any stakeholder group?

2. Resources

2.1. Budget

2.1.1. Does the company allocate a set amount, or percentage for all CSR activities?

2.1.2. Legislated tax according to company's industry or activities? (e.g. for gambling or alcohol industry in some countries)

2.1.3. Internal fund raising (staff)

2.1.4. External fund raising (customers, suppliers, etc)

2.2. Staff

2.2.1. Volunteers

2.2.2. Communication/CSR team?

2.2.3. Who are the CSR/cause champions in the company? People who are passionate about the cause.

2.3. Communication channels

2.3.1. Website

2.3.2. Email database

2.3.3. Media

2.3.4. PR activities

2.3.5. Charity partners

2.3.6. Company intranet

2.3.7. Annual Report and print publications

2.3.8. Investor Relations

3. Launch

3.1. What is the launch date?

3.2. Is this a new program?

3.3. What past programs have their been, and how successful were they?

3.4. Is this a public launch, or internal only?

3.5. What do you want to happen as a result of the launch?

3.5.1. Involvement or commitment

3.5.2. Knowledge

3.5.3. Change in practice

3.5.4. Financial commitment

4. On-going activities

4.1. Volunteer program

4.2. Charity support

4.3. Fund raising

4.4. Reporting

4.5. Social events

5. Challenges

5.1. Are the resources sufficient to meet the goals?

5.2. What are the deadlines realistic?

5.3. Is there support from both top level and grass roots stakeholders?

5.4. Overcoming cynicism in stakeholder groups

6. Stakeholders

6.1. Primary

6.1.1. Investors or company owners

6.1.2. Customers

6.1.3. Staff

6.1.4. Board

6.2. Secondary

6.2.1. Partner organisations

6.2.2. Public

6.2.3. Community

6.2.4. Suppliers

7. Reporting requirements

7.1. Legal requirements

7.1.1. Annual Reports for listed companies

7.1.2. CSR reporting requirements in some countries (e.g. India)

7.2. Business requirements

7.2.1. Investors

7.2.2. Board

7.2.3. Management

7.3. Internal management and team reporting

7.4. Staff news/communication

7.5. What are the reporting deadlines, and how do these impact your launch and on-going activities?

8. Elements

8.1. Environment

8.1.1. Does the business have an environmental impact? (e.g. petroleum, mining, timber)

8.1.2. Where does our business operate, and what are the environmental concerns in those areas?

8.1.3. What environmental issues could negatively affect our business? (e.g. pollution for tourism, drought for food brand)

8.2. Community

8.2.1. Company culture Staff well-being Staff retention Customer loyalty

8.2.2. Business locations and connections (street, suburb, cities where you operate)

8.3. Philanthropy

8.3.1. What causes or charities is the company connected to? (e.g. health, forests, water, children, etc)

8.3.2. What are our stakeholders passionate about?

8.3.3. What is the company passionate about?