AI Super-intelligence Replacing Human Jobs

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AI Super-intelligence Replacing Human Jobs by Mind Map: AI Super-intelligence Replacing Human Jobs

1. Judge

1.1. Risks

1.1.1. Won't understand human imperfection

1.1.2. May not be able to feel as if a person deserves a second chance

1.2. Rewards

1.2.1. Leave emotion, personal opinion out

1.2.2. More advanced legal knowledge

2. Soldier

2.1. Risks

2.1.1. Could possibly be programmed to harm all humans in the area, including civilians

2.1.2. Get out of control

2.2. Rewards

2.2.1. Much stronger, faster, do no loose human lives

2.2.2. No emotional attachment

2.2.3. unlimited energy

3. Nurse

3.1. Risks

3.1.1. lack of bedside manner

3.2. Rewards

3.2.1. Can know a lot of medical things and be very efficient

3.2.2. It won't emotionally connected to the patient

3.2.3. Won't emotionally disturb the nurse

4. Police Officer

4.1. Risks

4.1.1. Won't let menial things slide such as speeding slightly

4.1.2. Won't be friendly or understanding. Can't act kind or comforting.

4.2. Rewards

4.2.1. Be more efficient at its job

4.2.2. Can't become a crooked/corrupted cop

5. Teacher

5.1. Risks

5.1.1. Inability to empathize and learn from experience Hinders a child's social development if their interaction is with a machine

5.1.2. May not understand social implications of children

5.2. Rewards

5.2.1. less-limited in knowledge