Environmental Issues
by Gabriella Murrieta
1. air pollution
1.1. A lot of this problem is man made
2. oil dumps
2.1. Just 5 quarts of oil can contaminate up to 363 million gallons of water. Much oil in runoff from land and municipal and industrial wastes ends up in the oceans.
3. nature an animal conservation
3.1. their homes are being torn down for logging and illegal hunting which makes it hard for conservation
4. some animal species and endangered
4.1. Loss of habitat, or dying from pollution
5. Bag Ban
5.1. plastic trash has been polluting the Pacific, with damaging results for ocean wildlife
5.2. Ninety percent of ocean debris, which harms more than 660 marine species, is made up of plastic trash. This plastic kills thousands of birds, marine mammals and sea turtles each year
5.2.1. The sea turtle ingests the bag, which can fill or block the stomach, leaving the turtle to starve and sometimes die.