Library, beliefs and inquiry a review of research
by Yvonne Denomy

1. Redefine library as place of thinking, inquiry etc.
1.1. Todd article on reading to learn
2. Support systems
2.1. Curriculum
2.2. Colleagues
2.3. Admin
2.4. Todd/Kuhlthau Ohio study
3. Recognize that teachers want high level of learning and understanding
3.1. Barriers to implementing into practice
3.1.1. Time
3.1.2. Support from admin, colleagues and curriculum
3.1.3. Tradition... Very important I think Todd article fits here ... Reading to learn
4. Library and tl can be scaffolds for change
5. Culture of collaboration goes against isolation (Gordon, culture of inquiry)
6. "School librarians cannot act in a vacuum when they are establishing their programs or evaluating them." (Howard)
7. School culture needs to change to one founded on:
7.1. Collaborative culture
7.2. Admin
7.3. High expectations for teachers and students
8. Focus on evidence
9. Collaboration based on inquiry makes library integral
9.1. As supported in Kuhlthau 1999
9.1.1. "The philosophy of learning is each school directly affected the role that the librarian assumed in the learning process." (p.94)
9.1.2. "Without a committment to constructivist earning tht requires a varitey of resources, te library was considered an extra activity in an already overloaded program. In schools where the library was cnsidered essential rather than just good, a clear commitment to inquiry learning was in place on which to build a collaborative library program integrated with the curriculum" (p. 96)