Character Stereotypes

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Character Stereotypes by Mind Map: Character Stereotypes

1. Geeks with glasses and braces

1.1. scooby

1.2. Velma

1.2.1. Off Scooby Doo

1.3. Ugly Betty

2. Baljeet and Buford Van Stomm from Phineas and Ferb

3. the jock with the cool clothes and cheerleader girlfriend

3.1. Like finn on glee when he was going out with quinn

4. Bully

4.1. Bufid the bully

5. The cheerleader with the jock boyfriend

6. The Big High School Bully

6.1. Buford

6.2. Like the guys who go give me your lunch money and give nerds wedgies

7. Super Heros

7.1. Batman

7.2. su[perman

7.2.1. Superman

7.3. Spiderman

8. Old wise man

8.1. Dumbledore

8.2. Gandalf

9. Someone smart with glasses

9.1. like a geek

9.2. scooby doo girl

9.3. New node

10. a pretty and spolid girl is rich

10.1. London Tipton

10.2. Paris Hilton

11. Trendy Teacher

12. Just a Steryotype

12.1. Frodo Baggins