Tia Smith Tablets

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Tia Smith Tablets by Mind Map: Tia Smith Tablets

1. Samsung Galaxy

1.1. http://bit.ly/cmJDYB

1.2. New node

1.3. sports Flash 10.1 for watching Flash videos, and is available with 16GB or 32GB of memory, a 3.2 megapixel camera and 1.3 megapixel forward facing camera. It also features an accelerometer, gyroscope, GPS and will have access to the Android Market of apps.

1.4. and is wireless-enabled with a built-in webcam and integrated Bluetooth.

1.5. Running on an Intel Atom N455, one of its key differentiators is that it comes loaded with both Windows 7 and Android

2. Black Pad

2.1. Black Pad is expected to have some iPad killer functions,

2.2. Black Pad would have a Tethering capability with a Black Berry smart phone and might have both, front and rear facing cameras, which might enhance its usability and practicality.node

3. iPad

3.1. http://bit.ly/daYMR1

3.2. microSD slot, Wi-Fi, 3G modem option, and camera. All-day battery life is promised

3.3. —has two 7” displays connected by a hinge, multi-touch and stylus input,

3.4. No word on battery life, price, or availability, except that it’s supposed to be in the “late prototype” stage of development,

4. Android Tablets

4.1. Android tablet that comes with 7 inch WVGA (800 x 480) capacitive single-touch display, powered by 600MHz

4.2. HDMI out, 3G, Wi-Fi, accelerometer, GPS and a 5 megapixel front facing camera.

4.3. New node